Thursday, May 20, 2010


How amazing would it be  if appreciation could be given in tea bags?

Like someone could make you feel really good, and then in response you could create a tea flavor that he or she would drink and understand how great you felt as a result of their action.

There could be relief tea for people who do favors without asking for anything in return, and when they drink the flavor their body could be overcome with the calm and relief felt by their favor.

And there could be really beautiful tea for people who make other people feel really beautiful so that when they drink the tea they could feel the same beauty that they gave.

And there could also be a tea that lets you know that someone is always there for you, because that’s the best thing to know and the thing I most appreciate about the people I love in the world.

The thing about appreciation is that sometimes I can’t express it enough even though I’m always appreciative, so if there was a way to give people the feeling that I feel directly it would be the best. And tea is easy to package. And, it’s natural, and appreciation is too.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you.

    I get to see Itka Malka this weekend.
