Thursday, May 6, 2010


Wouldn’t it be great if there were sunglasses that worked like mood rings? And when someone was really sad they would go grey and when someone was really happy they would turn bright yellow and if you felt embarrassed they would turn red. That way if you were walking down the street sad one day and you didn’t want to talk to anyone, you could just put on the glasses and they would go grey and everyone would know to leave you alone that day and let you be. Or if you were feeling really overjoyed everyone could smile at you and know they would get a really big smile back. Also, if you were hurt by someone and didn’t have words maybe they could turn deep purple and that person would know that they should probably say sorry. Or, if you wanted to tell someone they make you happy when you’re with them the glasses could turn bright yellow, and you wouldn’t have to even make things awkward by telling them just how great you feel when they’re around. 

1 comment:

  1. Or what if everyone had bubbles floating around them all the time that changed color by mood. And then if you see someone in a sad, blue bubble mood you can blow some of your happy, multicolored bubbles toward them...
