Friday, May 28, 2010


It would be amazing to live in a world where people only complimented souls and not on outward appearance, so that if you went to work in the morning and someone smiled at you and asked how you were you could say, “Wow, you’re soul is so beautiful today” or you could say, “Tell me how you get your temperament in such good shape.”

And it especially makes sense, because people can’t completely alter the way that they look unless they have big money to spend on plastic surgery, so there’s no point in really admiring or criticizing the way people look because most of the time we can’t even control it, but we can control our souls.

I also think it would help decrease the number of eating disorders in our world, because up to 24 million Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide suffer from them and maybe if people were more focused on the inside rather than the outside people would stop starving themselves or making themselves throw up or hating themselves for the way they look.

And then if someone acted really meanly toward you one day, you could turn to them and say, "My goodness you've gained some negative energy!" And they could understand that they should probably slim down.

And also, souls are really amazing things

1 comment:

  1. This makes me think of all our talks dealing with humans saying (possibly unintentionally) mean things to other humans on their physical appearance.

    I'd also like to think you are paraphrasing the Chofetz Chaim when he said it'd be far, far better for humans to spend their time adorning their souls, not their bodies.

    Speaking of souls, where you are now, you currently have two souls, the neshama y'seira of Shabbos. I still only have one, but not for long!
