Sunday, May 30, 2010


I’d like to travel back in time, to the beginning of violence and see where it all started to understand why people could possibly determine killing is better than negotiating or trying. 

There are only 6,824,300,000 people in the world and so I can't fathom why people would want to eliminate another person when there’s really not so many people in the first place. And the average life expectancy of a human in the world is only 68.9, so it's hard to imagine why people can’t spend that short of an amount of time coexisting with others. I also don’t really understand why resources are such a point of contempt, because if everything was distributed correctly, there would be more than enough resources for everyone. 

And sometimes when I watch the news, I close my eyes and imagine that two people, like Sheikh Raed Salah and Benjamin Natanyahu are sitting at a negotiating table and agreeing to everything. I also try to imagine corrupt leaders of the past and present being banned to an Island together like King Leopold, and Queen Isabella, and Hitler, and Mobutu Sesse Seko so they can't harm anyone except themselves.

And humans are always trying to convince other humans that our nature is bad deep down and that’s why there are so many wars and fights, but usually wars and fights are in the news because they are exceptions, and on any given day I think there are a lot more people smiling at each other, doing favors for each other, and helping each other rather than doing mean things to each other.  But the news doesn’t cover smiles at strangers, or a man pushing a child out of danger from a car moving too fast, or an older man showing three little boys how to feed pigeons.

Maybe one day, we can all just live, and that would be possible in a world where everything is possible. 

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