Monday, May 10, 2010


It’s one thing for someone to tell you, “You can do anything if you put your mind to it.” and it’s another to believe it.  It would be helpful if there were rulers to measure potential, that way we could convince ourselves of that we really can do magical things.

Then at potential 4.2500028, the kid whose teacher tells him he will never amount to anything can show him or her the ruler and say, “See, but my potential says I really will amount to something.”

I think potential rulers could really change the universe, because there are too many people out there who are limited by their own estimated measurements, and most people are only convinced by things that can be measured in exact amounts like test scores and miles and money.

Also, I wish that the ruler would only give positive measurements for positive things, because badness isn’t really potential, it’s more destruction, which usually makes things move backward

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